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Vision for the former Deere manufacturing facilities, now transformed into the new TechWorks Campus with innovation labs, Courtyard Marriott Hotel, and the new John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum

TP3s planing affilate Vandewalle & Associates has enjoyed a 20+ year relationship working with Deere, Inc. helping to reposition and redevelop some of the company’s largest manufacturing sites in the heart of this mid-size urban community. Such experience crosses over to the members of the TP3 team who advised on the real estate side.

In Waterloo, Deere’s excess assets found successful reuse in projects that are revitalizing the downtown and community, including the John Deere Tractor & Engine Museum, a Courtyard Marriott, Deere Training Center, and TechWorks–a regional innovation hub. The team continues to work with Deere on development and occupancy of the massive Techwork campus, as well as other land transfers, market feasibility studies, project pro formas, urban workforce housing initiatives, and other community rebuilding projects.