This new economic development tool is a smart vehicle for reinvesting in a community or local economy by helping to revitalize urban spaces. Federally designated Opportunity Zones–if structured with a bold vision that works with area assets–are intended to revitalize urban areas and bring attention to cities and neighborhoods ripe for an opportunity that might otherwise be overlooked by investors. They also offer attractive tax benefits on capital gains. (Check out the interactive map below to see opportunities around the country, or zoom for a closer look at any particular area of interest.)

To be a successful project and investment, an Opportunity Zone needs a smart strategy and smart projects. TP3 is uniquely capable of analyzing potential for return on investment, as well as developing strategies to maximize that investment including:

  • Analyzing the Zone to determine community demographics, assets, and potential for return on investment
  • Creating an investment prospectus that markets Opportunity Zone sites to developers and new business ventures to expand economic opportunity
  • Conducting TIF analysis
  • Helping leverage other local, state and federal programs to enhance Opportunity Fund investments and Opportunity Zone marketability
  • Providing guidance for successful plan implementation for investors and developers

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